Welcome in the World of FPGA Podcast
Hear and learn from the World of FPGA.
This podcast will bring you basics and advanced knowledge around FPGA.
The Podcast startet in January 2023 and here you find all episodes.

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WFP021 – 2024 Review and Outlook
We are looking back on 2024 and then we try an outlook into 2025.
Content of this Episode:
* Welcome in 2024
* Welcome back in this podcast 🙂
* Review of 2024
* some private facts
* Business
* Outlook into 2025
* Business
* Private things
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WFP020 – Simulation
Let us talk about simulations and their benefits for your FPGA development projects.
Content of this Episode:
* Simulations in general
* Simulations in FPGA development
* Benefits for your FPGA development projects
* How to start with simulations
* What are the boundaries of simulation
* Simulate a hole design or only modules
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WFP019 – 2023 Review and Outlook
We are looking back on 2023 and then we try an outlook into 2024.
Content of this Episode:
* Happy New Year and all the best for 2024
* Review of 2023
* some private facts
* Business
* Outlook into 2024
* Business
* Private things
* Next webinar in February 2024
And for now come into our Newsletter and also follow us on LinkedIn.

WFP018 – Debugging an ARM
In addition to the last episode we will now have a look into the process of debugging an ARM core software.
Content of this Episode:
* Debugging an ARM (in a SoC)
* Use UART and printf
* Debug your bare metal application in Vitis
* Debug your Linux application in Vitis
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WFP017 – Debugging an FPGA
Let’s dive deeper into the debugging stuff. There are different ways of debugging an FPGA and the logic inside.
Content of this Episode:
* Debugging an FPGA
* Observe signal outputs
* Bring some internal signals to outer world
* Using a debug core
* Special case for ILA
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WFP016 – FPGA Conference 2023
It was time for a little trip again. This time I went to Munich to the three-day FPGA conference of PLC2 and the Vogel Verlag.
Content of this Episode
* 3 day FPGA Conference in Munich
* A little insight
* My attended lectures
* Sessions on the first day
* Linux Build Methodologies: PetaLinux vs. Yocto Flow
* Coverage (aka Requirement Coverage)
* Using property descriptions to formally verify FPGA design code
* Synthesizing a Vivado Project on GitLab-CI and Deploying to an FPGA Board
* Secure method of enabling multiple design in FPGA
* Constraining Multiple Clock Domains
* AMD-Xilinx: Dynamic Function Exchange with Device Tree Overlay
* GDBServer in Hardware for VexRiscv Processing Systems
* Next Generation of High-Speed Interfaces for Vision Applications
* Sessions on the second day
* Demystify a Vitis Embedded Acceleration Platform
* MicroBlaze - A most flexible processor for FPGAs and MPSoCs
* Self organizing administration tool to control FPGA designs
* Fundamentals of Timing Analysis and Why No FPGA Design Can Do Without It
* How to crash 100+ AWS FPGA instances and how to insert Trojans into bitstreams
* Demonstration Setup for HashCache
* Sessions on the third day
* Do FPGA designers and hardware designers need to talk? A practical approach to shortening the project timeline
* How your FPGA design decisions affect PCB board performance
* Agilex SoC Architecture
* Turning your FPGA into a fast multichannel ADC
* PCIe, MIPI CSI-2, HDMI and DDR memory across platforms from an Open Source perspective
* Constant On-Time (COT) Control for FPGA High-Current Power Supplies
* Hardware attacks on FPGA: An overview of threats and security mechanisms
Next FPGA conference is from July 2nd to 4th, 2024
And for now come into our Newsletter and also follow us on LinkedIn.

WFP015 – Bootloader
To start up a Xilinx Zynq SoC many steps are required. To get an overview we will talk today about bootloader.
Content of this Episode
* Stage-0 Boot (also known as BootROM)
* First Stage Bootloader (FSBL)
* Second Stage Bootloader
* Linux Kernel
* Init
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WFP Meetup 2023
Special Episode of the World of FPGA Podcast.
I want to make a meetup of members of my audience and this will happen in Munich while the FPGA Conference 2023.
On the 5th of July 2023 at 7:30 pm we can meet near to the conference hotel in a restaurant.
I will reserve some spots, so please send me an email if you want to participate: info@world-of-fpga.com
Important note: Everyone pay their own bill.

WFP014 – Debugging an SoC
Writing software and debugging go hand in hand while you develop a new system. Today we want to debug an SoC.
Content of this Episode
* How to debug an SoC
* Remember the workflow
* Now we can debug
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WFP013 – Embedded Systems
You can run different kinds of applications or operating systems on an SoC.
To get an overview we will dive into embedded systems with connection to FPGA SoC.
Content of this Episode
* FPGA development
* Petalinux
* Workflow
* Create and configure the system
* Using BitBake files to modify
* Booting a system
* Some additional ideas
* Access to PL
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WFP012 – Design workflow
To design an SoC is quite different from designing only a single device like a microcontroller, a processor or an FPGA. The high-level workflow is the topic of this episode.
Content of this Episode
* Workflow
* FPGA project
* Controller project
* Combination
And for now come into our Newsletter and also follow us on LinkedIn.

WFP011 – Manufacturer of SoC
There are many different manufacturers of SoCs on the market.
In this episode I'll give you an overview over the most common SoCs with an FPGA core inside.
Content of this Episode
* Xilinx
* Intel
* Microsemi
* Soft processor core
And for now come into our Newsletter and also follow us on LinkedIn.

WFP010 – Idea behind SoC
SoC or in long system-on-chip are highly integrated electronic components. In today's episode we will discuss the idea behind SoCs.
Content of this Episode
* Basic definition for SoC
* SoC in the World of FPGA
* What is the idea
* Development suite
* Software for processor
Follow us on LinkedIn to get all news and also come into our pre-opening newsletter.

WFP009 – Launch ended
There has been a lot going on in the last few weeks and I was particularly busy with the launch of my learning platform World of FPGA. And now there is a review and an analysis.
Content of this Episode
* Platform World of FPGA opened on PI Day 2023
* Analysis in three categories
* The platform itself
* Range
* Technology
* My learnings
* Outlook
Follow us on LinkedIn to get all news and also come into our pre-opening newsletter.

WFP008 – PI Day and Opening
Today it happens, the World of FPGA learning platform is opening. And I’ll take you today into my launch phase.
Content of this Episode
* Opening on PI day 2023
* Beta phase
* Webinars
The World of FPGA is opening today.
Follow us on LinkedIn to get all news and also come into our pre-opening newsletter.

WFP007 – Programming languages for FPGAs
One big question is: How did the intelligence come into the FPGA? Therefore we discuss in today’s episode two programming languages.
Content of this Episode:
* Programming languages
* Verilog
* Graphic input
* HLS = High Level Synthesis
The World of FPGA is opening on the 14th of march.
Follow us on LinkedIn to get all news and also come into our pre-opening newsletter.

WFP006 – Inside FPGA – specialties
After the last basic episode we will dive deeper today and look into different specialties of FPGAs.
Content of this Episode
* Some specialties of FPGAs
* Clock generation
* Processors
* Partial Reconfiguration
The World of FPGA is opening on the 14th of march.
Follow us on LinkedIn to get all news and also come into our pre-opening newsletter.

WFP005 – Inside FPGA – basics
After the insight into the world, we will delve a little deeper and take a fundamental look at the structure of an FPGA.
Content of this Episode
* Basic structure of an FPGA
* Structure of logic cell
* Connection cells
* Clock network
* Storage
* Computing cells
* Connection to the outside world

WFP004 – Manufacturers and their components
In this episode I would like to show which manufacturers are active in the FPGA world and which components they offer.
Content of this Episode
* Overview over the manufacturer
* Overview over the components
* Manufacturer:
* Xilinx
* Intel
* Lattice Semiconductor
* Microchip
* Efinix
* Achronix
* Cologne Chip

WFP003 – Electronics vs. Software vs. FPGA
Let’s discuss today the differences between development of electronics, software and firmware for FPGAs.
Content of this Episode
* Discussion of three different areas
* electronic development
* software development
* FPGA development
* Three different categories
* flexibility
* Know-how
* complexity

WFP002 – History of programmable logic
In today’s episode we will take a look back into the history of programmable logic.
Content of this Episode
* Start of the programmable logic
* PLA, PLD and GAL invented
* FPGA was developed

WFP001 – The world of FPGAs
Let’s start to dive into programmable logic and have an overview over the component called FPGA.
Content of this Episode
* Programmable logic
* What is an FPGA?
* Specialties
* Areas of application

WFP000 – Start of WoF Podcast
With today's episode this podcast starts and I will lead you through the idea behind this podcast and the World of FPGA.
Content of this Episode
* Welcome
* Who is David Kirchner?
* Introducing the WoF podcast
* About the World of FPGA